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Quick Limes

We are proud to have been producing hot mixes for 20 years!

Ty-Mawr’s mortars and plasters are, and always have been, manufactured as hot lime mixes.  We have perfected hot mixes over the last 20 years producing high-quality mortars and plasters with a proven track record.

Hot lime mixes are thought to have benefits over mixes produced cold from putty including improved workability and providing an open-pored structure.

Some mixes can be used hot on-site (There are Health and Safety implications and mixing practices are different requiring forced action mixers and quick working)  with associated benefits.

If you would like to make your own hot mix limewash/mortar/plaster – we are pleased to be able to now offer fine quicklime (powder) in 25kg bags – but this should only be purchased by those experienced in handling quicklime and used strictly in accordance with the data sheets provided.

ML90 should only be used in controlled environments; overalls, dusk masks, goggles and gloves should be worn. Care must be taken to limit dust movement in the air.

Caution should be exercised in using hot mixes, especially for plaster and renders where failure could occur. Recommend for use only by qualified contractors.

Top tip- GL5 quicklime available in buckets from Ty-Mawr is a potentially safer material to handle and useful for mortars and limewashes. It should not be used for plasters and renders without full knowledge of the material and its characteristics.

The same health and safety advice should be followed for GL5 as for ML90.