
Design - Using limecrete without Glapor (RFG)

Bethany Evans Posted this on 22 Mar 2024

It is possible to use a limecrete slab without the Glapor foamed glass below, however it is important to understand the limitations to this approach before going ahead with it. Whilst the limecrete is more moisture permeable than a concrete slab it is not capable of providing all of the technical characteristics required from an internal floor.

Limecrete alone does not offer damp protection or insulation to a building, if the limecrete is laid on top of a conventional hard core (Type 1 MOT), it would result in a cold and damp floor slab that, while able to release moisture more effectively than a concrete slab, would not particularly improve the conditions. Installing a DPM with limecrete on top is also not recommended as this will create the same issues as a conventional concrete floor, increasing the moisture load to the walls which makes them more susceptible to freeze thaw damage and internal damp.