Fine Cumbrian Aggregate
Fine aggregates are carefully sourced and selected by Ty-Mawr, mixed with lime putty or hydraulic lime to ensure that the finest quality finish coat is produced for your plaster, with excellent workability and minimal shrinkage.

Next Day Pallet
Economy Pallet
Parcel Delivery
High quality aggregates specifically selected to be blended with lime putty or hydraulic limes to produce renders for internal and external work.
We are also able to match samples of mortar or advise on an appropriate aggregate for your project - please see our mortar matching service or call for advice.
Grain Size – 4mm to dust
Availability - available in 1 tonne and 25kg bags
For Render
Preparing the mix
- mix the lime and aggregate by volume (check the specification for exact mix ratio for the job or refer to the table below), measuring of material must always be with a gauging box or bucket. The sand/aggregate should be sharp, well-graded and washed.
- a conventional cement mixer can be used although for larger projects a roll pan or paddle mixer is preferable. Lime mortars mixed in drum mixers can be prone to balling but use of particular mixing techniques can reduce this. Switch the mixer on and dampen down the inside of the drum as this will help to reduce the amount of dust and prevent the lime from sticking too much. Switch the mixer off before adding two thirds of the water and half of the sand followed by all of the lime. Switch the mixer on, allow the water to thoroughly disperse throughout the mix (15-20 minutes) before adding the rest of the sand and more water if required. You will have to experiment for the first mix as the quantity of water will vary with sand moisture content – but be CAUTIOUS, for a 3:1 mix, initially add 6 litres of water, 30 litres of sand and then 20 litres of lime, mix, then add the remaining 30 litres of sand and adjust the water.
- add hair or synthetic fibre (approx 1.5kg per tonne) to improve the strength and durability of the render, tease it in towards the end of the mixing.
- use the mix within 2 hours.
- after damping the surface, the plaster/render can be laid on using the normal technique in two coats of approx. 8-10mm.The first coat should be left to stiffen up and then a float used to compress the render over the whole area. Applying the second coat too early (i.e. before the material has stiffened) can weaken the render. The result may be voids deep in the render which make the render vulnerable to frost damage. Within an hour or two, the surface of the first coat should be scratched over using a suitable wire comb.
- once the first coat has hardened enough a similar technique is used for the second. The time interval between the two will vary depending upon the temperature. As little as 24 hours in warm conditions but several days if cool during this time, it may need damping down if drying too quickly.
- if a top coat is required, the mix will be different, it is usually a weaker mix than the background mixes, (refer to specification table) proceed as above, it should be ‘floated up’ as the surface stiffens, in a similar way to the previous coats.
To be used in conjunction with full application guide.
Suitable For & Coverage Rates
Suitable For
- Rendering – Top Coat
Coverage Rate
- For a 3:1 mix – 150kgs of lime are required (6 x 25kg bags)
- For a 2.5:1 mix – 175kgs of lime are required (7 x 25kg bags)
- For a 2:1 mix – 200kgs of lime are required (8 x 25kg bags)
- These aggregates have been selected due to their technical performance - having good grading, which makes a well performing, easy to use mortar with minimal shrinkage.
- These aggregates will enable you to tailor the colour and texture of a lime mortar to your specific needs.
- This product is made in our manufacturing yard that operates under our Quality Management System.
- You should be aware that aggregates occasionally run out, e.g., if a quarry closes. If it is important that you maintain the colour for the whole job, then you should ensure that you purchase sufficient supplies where possible.
25kg Bag
Tonne Bulk Bag