ISOVIT E-CORK is an adhesion mortar which is a dry-bagged mix of Natural Hydraulic Lime and cork aggregates. It ensures the secure fixing of insulation cork panels and cork façades.
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ISOVIT E-CORK is an adhesion mortar which is a dry-bagged mix of Natural Hydraulic Lime and cork aggregates.
It ensures the secure fixing of insulation cork panels and cork façades.
ISOVIT E-CORK is specially indicated for surface fixing and levelling, improving the thermal and acoustic performance, of natural expanded cork boards (ICB) in External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS), over masonry substrates, concrete blocks, ICB panels and/or hydraulic based substrates, such as concrete and renders.
Preparing the substrates
The substrates must be hardened, free from dust, dismantling fluids, unstable materials, fluorescence, as well as
any type of material that may affect the adhesion conditions.
The substrates must be conveniently levelled, without irregularities above 1 cm. The renders previously applied must have a “troweled” surface and a minimum 28 day curing period, protected of any kind of harsh weather conditions.
For applications over painted substrates, the paint must feature sufficient adhesion to support a new coating.
In case the substrate is an old ceramic coating, make sure that it is resistant and levelled, and that all tiles are strongly attached to the substrate. If not, remove all loose parts and level the surface. If necessary, wash the substrate with adequate detergents in order to remove greases and residue built up on the surface.
Preparing the mixture
ADHERE Vit ecoCORK must be mixed with 6.0 to 6.5 litres of clean water for every bag of product, using an electric mixer, until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
Proceed with fixing of the boards displaying a discontinuous cord of mortar around the perimeter, adding at least two dots of glue in the centre of each board. Ensure the mechanical fixing with SecilVit Plug (minimum
recommended – 6 un/m²).
Fixing over render or concrete levelled surfaces
Proceed with simple and continuous fixing with a 10 mm teethed trowel, spreading the mortar on the back of the insulation board. Ensure mechanical fixing with SecilVIT Plug (minimum recommended – 6 un/m²)
Recommendations for the fixing
The procedures for the development of the fixing must ensure that surfaces are uniform and levelled and that the boards are correctly and tightly placed, leaving no spaces or mortar between them.
Spread the ADHERE Vit mortar over the surface composed of black agglomerate cork board (ICB), conveniently displayed and adherent to the substrate. Apply a first teethed layer, and immediately, apply a mesh with the adequate characteristics for this type of application. The second layer must be applied over the first, in order to adequately level the surface and prepare it for the finishing layer.
ADHERE Vit must not be applied at ambient temperatures below 5ºC and above 30ºC. In dry weather or in exposure to harsh weather conditions, protect the façades in order to minimize the direct action of the wind.
Additional Advice
- Do NOT use to fill in joints between black agglomerate cork boards;
- Do not apply any mortar that has exceeded its open time.
- Do not soften the mortar by adding water to the mixture;
- Do not add any other products to the mortar. The adhesive mortar ADHERE Vit must be applied as featured in its original packaging;
- Do not apply at temperatures below 5ºC or above 30ºC;
- The mixing water must be free of impurities (clay, organic material), preferably tap water;
- Do not apply on horizontal surfaces or with an angle below 45º;
- Protect the top edges of the system from rainwater.
Suitable For
- Internal Base Coat
- Masonry
- Boards (Woodfibre / Wood Wool / Cork)
- External Base Coat
- Masonry
- Boards (Woodfibre / Wood Wool / Cork)
- Board Adhesive (Internal & External)
Coverage Rate
- 4m2 at 6mm (combed) per 25kg Bag
- 1.6m2 at 10mm per 25kg Bag
- High adherence to EPS, XPS, stone wool and cork agglomerate
- High adherence to support
- Good permeability to water vapour
- Excellent workability
- Low capillary absorption
- Selected raw materials
20kg Bag